This morning since the 4 of us are going into town I went down and played with Volume, N, Little Rat and Baby Girl before we left. As I was sitting there holding Baby Girl I was pointing to things and Volume and N would tell me what the things were in Shona and when I got them wrong they would laugh and make funny faces. It cracked me up how they would break up the pronounciation so I could "understand" it more ADORABLE! It was time for preschool so I walked them to class as I was walking away Baby Girl kind of yelled for me so I looked back and she was holding her bottle up for me to go get as I walked to her she walked towards me holding the bottle on top of her head SO STINKING CUTE! I helped make buns until we left.
The 4 of us loaded into the truck to go to Mutare Zazu and Rafiki were in front and Timon and I sat in the back. When we got into town we stopped by Paula's flat we visited for a bit then went to go run errands, as we were walking to the truck some people from the World Food Program were there to give us some food. Well there was alot more food then we expected there were like 24 bags ( 50kgs or more each bag) and 2 boxes so it took up 2/3 of the back of the pick up so Timon and I didn't have much room to sit- as we were driving off I was on the phone with dad the bags started shifting and falling on Timon and I so we were laughing and pounding on the truck for Zazu to stop the truck and come help us. Dad was a little concerned cuz I had to hang up and he didn't know what was going on so I had to send him a text to explain what had happened.
Our first stop was at the green market where Timon bought a bag and we bought honey, stop #2 was at an internet place where we had to pick up Paula's computer, we then walked to 2 different grocery stores to grab groceries before we stopped by some street vendors to get some more fruits and vegetables. We then decided to go get some lunch so we stopped by a place that had wireless internet so we could use the computer. We then stopped back by Paula's and visited for a moment ( or two) and then headed home. Home being the orphanage! :)
When we pulled up and I got out of the truck Tude was running full speed and literally jumped on me with the biggest hug! So sweet and tender ( Tude is very to herself and quiet so it is sweet when she does stuff like this). Then like a billion other kids ( Hips, Mama, Dancer, Mana, Clown, Rock, Lips, Queen, and more) met us with huge hugs and helped us carry stuff inside these kids are so sweet and amazing!! I love them so much! We then kind of just hung out with the kids a bit it was actually pretty cold so I made the kids stay inside. They are so cute and I am so in love with them!
Scar then came up he is so funny and sarcastic and just jokes with us the whole time. He told us that the scar is from killing a lion with a razor blade. He was trying to get D ( the guard) to lie to us and tell us that's what it's from but he wouldn't so Scar said he'd fire him for lying. He is so funny and seriously the best thing that the orphanage did was to hire him and Sarabi! It's such a relief! Then Tude and Mr. GQ came up here to do their homework- we were laughing and joking around the whole time so they just sat there and laughed at us. I am so in love with these kids and it was so nice to come home after being away all day! YOU"LL BE IN MY HEART!
One of our Matrons making buns
Little Rat
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