
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Whats my job?

While in Africa I was kept so busy and had to do so many things that I don't remember what my job title was to begin with. I had to be a pharmacist and get medicine for the kids, workers and those in the community; now I may not know how to pronounce things or the exact thing they should be used for but I know what color liquid medicine to give them for the flu, what size pill to give them for malaria, how to help a headache, etc. etc. I also acted as a nurse, bandaging up cuts, burns, scrapes and owies. I was a doctor who took care of sick kids, I slept with them when they needed extra watching and love during the night or I had them sleep with me so I could keep an eye on them. I was a bank teller and would give out money when needed and when we could help out. I was a boss/manager and handled all the employees, made sure they came to work and were doing their jobs. I was a referee and helped when there were arguments among the children or the workers and other volunteers. I was a taxi driver and drove people to the clinic, school, to their homes, etc. I was part of a hearse and ambulance crew who would take emergencies to the hospital or dead bodies to their homes after the passed away. I was a teacher and helped teach our kids when all the teachers decided they wanted to go on strike. I was a cook and helped cook meals at times. I was a maid and helped wash the laundry and keep everything picked up and clean. I was a caregiver and helped care for, love, play with and watch 39 amazing beautiful kids. Wanna know something? I absolutely loved every single minute of all of it and would do it all again in a heart beat if I could! So whatever the job may be I will take it! I will do it! I loved being there!!

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