Running Water! They have to walk to the well to get water to bring back for bathing, cooking, cleaning, etc. If they didn't own a well or have access to one they would walk to the nearest little creek with thier buckets and soap. They would bathe in the creek then bring thier buckets full of water back home.
This is a picture of the another well they are digging for the orphanage, unforunately it has already dried up.
A Washer and Dryer! They wash loads of laundry a day then hang it to dry it is an all day activity especially since they use small towels and wash clothes as diapers the kids constantly leak onto thier clothes and thier bedding adding more loaundry
An Iron! They use a metal iron that they fill with hot ashes, I never thought of being grateful for my iron you plug in to the wall but for that I am!
Electricity Hello! The power of light is so amazing! Enough said!
Then agian maybe having all that stuff makes me to spoiled, I wonder how we would act here if we had less of the material things that we have.
I wonder if we could get some people making diapers for them? Or covers?
Ever since a friend shared some pictures with me of a pediatric unit at a hosital in the Philipines, I have been thinking about (obsessed with) the idea of being involved in a project like this. I realize that without electricity, some of the extra-thick ones we like to use wouldn't wash/dry as easily, but surely there is a way to make what they can use. I've seen a good (free) online pattern for a "pocket" diaper called Ritas Rump Pocket, that can be made from fabric (even used clothing) and stuffed with those towels and washcloths. Since it comes apart to wash, it will wash and dry easier than if it was all sewn in layers. We'll talk.
I actually bought a couple of these (used) to see how they turned out, because I am one of those people who needs to see things in person. They are big enough to fit Mallorie, but can be folded down to fit a smaller baby, too. The ones I bought are fleece on one side, which is supposed to be water-resistant, and flannel on the inside, and there is a space in the end to stuff with absorbant pads, towels, etc. They can have velcro added to make them self-closing, or they can be closed with pins, or enclosed with a waterproof cover to keep in place.
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