
Saturday, August 15, 2009

What I have been up too...

Wow does life ever slow down?!?! I had to have surgery in the end of May followed by back surgery in the beginning of June. While being down and out of work FOREVER I wasn't sure as to where my life would take me next.. Well after being told by the doctor that he thought I should get a new job because of how my back was and how it was in the healing process I was unsure what to do. One day I got asked by a dear friend of mine with the most beautiful little girl who has Trisomy 18 if I would be available to nanny for her.. PERFECT TIMING!! Then as we were on vacation I got an email asking me if I could come to Africa for a month and help my aunt who owns the orphanage (again PERFECT TIMING).. So on August 19th I start my journey by going to Africa for a month followed by moving to Texas when I get back.. Let me just tell you that if you think you know how you're life will happen and how you have it planned out, someone else has a different story.. I never would have picture my life from back surgery to Africa in a matter of months but I am so blessed!!!

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