
Sunday, April 22, 2012


So to start off I would say that I am one that loves change, I adapt to it easily, I am one that rolls with the punches and can handle (mostly) anything that life throws my way. Well for some reason the past couple of months I have had a really hard time, I couldn't figure out why I was in a slump and why I couldn't get out. I was just struggling and couldn't figure out why. Well the other day I realized what it was for some reason I wasn't handling the changes that were taking place. For the first time I didn't have a handle on them and I couldn't roll with the flow. So many changes were happening that I felt like my life was a tornado going full speed around me and I couldn't grasp anything, I even started developing an anxiety. As soon as I realized what it was that had me down and off it was like a huge fog was lifted. I have decided to embrace all the changes that have taken place and face the changes that are coming with a smile and a good attitude. I know it'll take time and I know I'm not perfect but this is how I want to be. Life is so much better when you're happy! Speaking of changes a very large change is about to happen.... I got ACCEPTED into the RN program! I am so excited and nervous, and already a little stress. I know that no sleep is coming, long days, many tests, lots of information but a dream come true.. I am so excited to have a career and I think nursing will be such a perfect field for me. I also want to admit that I am proud of myself, about half of the applicants are accepted so I know it's a big thing and I worked hard to get in.
So life throw me all the changes you want and I will do the best to embrace them the best I can! I am ready for it and I am going to try to look at life with the correct attitude. Look out life Kourtni is ready for you!

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